👋 Hi! I'm Ginni.

I'm a full stack software engineer based in Los Angeles, CA with experience in JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Ruby, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Go, React, Docker, and AWS. Prior to my career in Software Engineering, I was a Professional Organizer where my focus was creating efficient and maintainable systems to help clients better utilize their mental and physical space. Now, I love to 🫧 tidy up 🫧 complex problems in the web development space.

Recently, I created Edamame, an open-source load testing framework optimized for applications that use both HTTP and WebSockets.

Resume Edamame Overview

Edamame is an open-source, distributed load testing framework, optimized for real-time collaboration apps that use both HTTP and WebSockets. It was built with Go, JavaScript, Kubernetes, AWS, k6, StatsD, Grafana, and PostgreSQL.

  • Simulates 200,000 concurrent users
  • Processes 2 million data points / second
  • Self-hosted distributed architecture
  • Manage tests with a CLI or React GUI
  • Insight into WebSocket performance
  • Near real-time data visualization
Read the Case Study

Other Projects

Endpoint Bin

A Request-Bin like collection tool for receiving, viewing, and debugging webhooks.

Node.js/Express, MongoDB, React, Webhooks, Digital Ocean Droplet, Nginx

Personal Library

A book-tracking app including search/filter and authentication.

Node.js/Express, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Docker


An interactive travel itinerary manager, with integrated weather forecasts

Node.js/Express, JavaScript, Handlebars, PostgreSQL

Let's Connect!

I am looking for my next opportunity! Please get in touch if you think I'd be a good fit for your team.
